How Rapid Resolution Therapy® Works

The Rapid Resolutions Perspective

Life experiences may trigger a cascade of painful emotions, limiting beliefs, and destructive behaviors that can seem impossible to resolve. Attempting to bring enduring change without eliminating the influence of past events would be like trying to repair the structure of a building by applying a coat of paint.

With Rapid Resolution Therapy, the mind is cleared of negative beliefs, reorganized to see new possibilities, and stops regretting the past and dreading the future. Negative habits and painful emotions are replaced by positive feelings and actions. Freed from the grip of past events, blocked energy is released so that physical and emotional healing can take place. Once the conflicts in unconscious mind have been pinpointed and cleared, desired change is automatic and lasting.

Current Problems with the Mental Health Industry

There are two basic kinds of therapies. One is based on the premise that unhappiness needs to be deeply experienced in order to be purged. This process is quite painful and takes a long time. The second attempts to bring about desired change by addressing things cognitively. The problem here is that emotional issues don't stem from intellectual or logical misunderstandings. Dysfunctional thoughts come from unresolved emotional issues. Most people dealing with emotional pain already realize that what they're feeling isn't logical. To be told so is insulting. When these two kinds of therapies prove to be ineffective, practitioners frequently blame their patients by accusing them of being "resistant" or “unmotivated”.