Learning Objectives

Resolving Grief with Rapid Resolution Therapy®

Week 1

1)      Contrast historical or traditional grief treatments with what is new and different in Rapid Resolution Therapy.
2)      Distinguish between sympathetic nervous system arousal that underlies seeking behaviors and parasympathetic nervous system arousal that underlies bonding.   
3)      List thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that the brain causes for connection.
4)      Discuss cultural difference with respect to grief.
5)      Analyze facial micro expressions (brief involuntary expressions such as tiny twitches of the brows, the lips and nose) to determine understanding and agreement.
6)      Analyze facial micro expressions and physiological changes to assess connection in therapeutic relationship.

Week 2

7)      Explain the brain’s emotion-action system that has gone awry in grief.
8)      Explain what is meant by ‘multi-level’ communication.
9)      Demonstrate skill of setting intention for client.  Articulate and effectively communicate shared intention. 
10)   Evaluate how well shared intention is received and responded to by client.  Determine if the client in agreement with intention?  Critique the level of agreement from 0 to 100%.
11)   Analyze facial micro expression and neurophysiological changes to assess responsiveness to intervention.
12)   Demonstrate skill #1 - Changing Perceived Identity and Internal Geography for resolving grief.
13)   List common objections to eliminating grief and describe how to address them. 
14)   Explain the imperfect lens that filters the experience of grief.  Hint: what our senses tell us is not always accurate.
15)   Demonstrate skill #2 - Eliminating distorted meaning.

Week 3

16)   Identify symptoms of complex grief with participants who have experienced a sudden and unexpected death, suicide or the death of a child.
17)   Select and apply specific and necessary interventions for complex grief, including anger, rage, resentment, guilt, and regret.
18)   Demonstrate how to create a bridge to the experience of ongoing connection.  Script is in handout: “Listen within for a message… “
19)   Create a heightened sensed presence and connection with loved.  Increase awareness, appreciation, and celebration of ongoing connection.
20)   Rate clients’ responsiveness to accelerators.
21)   Rate the effects of the interventions – changing internal geography and perceived identity, and creating a bridge to the experience of ongoing connection – skill #3.

 Week 4

22)   List essential steps in generic grief protocol.
23)   Apply protocol to client who presents with grief.
24)   Evaluate the outcome of the overall session - skill #3.
25)   Rate the level of calm through physiological indicators of parasympathetic nervous system arousal.
26)   Describe follow-up process – check in, re-evaluation and termination.