Rapid Resolution Therapy® Members


The following individuals have received a minimum of 100 hours of training in Rapid Resolution Therapy and are active members of the RRT community. Their credentials, therapeutic procedures and office policies vary according to the individual.

Daniela Alfieri, Mindset Coach
Certified RRT Specialist

London, UK
Specialties: Adults, Children 12+, Exclusive RRT Specialist Candidate in Training, Video Sessions Only
Languages: English, Italian
Mindset mentor located in the UK, serving clients worldwide. If you're struggling with anxiety, fear, anger, or grief, let's work together to clear painful emotions and negative thoughts. Experience effective mind and body healing that empowers you to step into your true potential and live a life filled with peace, purpose, and joy.
Sessions held via Zoom

Stacey Holles
Unicorn Avenue
Coventry, UK

Miss Cher Wilnecker, NBCHt
National Board-Certified Hypnotist
Cher Enya
Oxfordshire, UK
Trauma healer located in the UK, serving clients worldwide. If troubling events such as sexual trauma, childhood trauma, or anything else are getting in the way of your truest self, let’s get you clear so you can move forward and create a life that is brighter, lighter, and full of possibilities.
Sessions held via Zoom